History Of Excellence

Jackson Jewelers was found on a promise by Mr. Holly Jackson, “We strive to go above & beyond to create the best shopping experience for every client.” This promise still rings true through his legacy of sons & grandsons still in management at Jackson Jewelers. When Mr. Jackson opened the doors after his military service ended in 1944, the store began mostly as a pocket watch service center. As a watchmaker himself, the love for precision timepieces & instruments was strong. He extended out over the years to include jewelry as his clientele grew. With a central location in Salem’s historic downtown, the capital city of Oregon, there was never a shortage of clients looking for that unique experience, and the opportunity to purchase premium quality of jewelry that the Jackson family represent.

In 1982, Holly Jackson’s two sons, Phil & Ralph Jackson continued the legacy of premium jewelry & timepieces, by introducing Rolex watches to the mid-Willamette Valley.Like the legendary explorers Lewis and Clark, who discovered Oregon, nearly 200 years earlier, Jackson Jewelers knew the entire northwest deserved the honor to own a Rolex. Over the last 40 years they continued to sell one of the best watches in the world.  However by the fall of 2022, the watch world had moved beyond brick & mortar, and the store lost its contract with Rolex.  After a week long facelift in our storefront, we were back in business.  They were kind enough to leave us with one of the finest collection of rare watches, under one roof.  We still continue to provide the best service and quality to Salem and surrounding communities. Our accolades are best felt through the words of our clients.  Please review our Google and Facebook reviews.